Walkcast Ep. 08 — Missed Connections / by Tim Querengesser

Scott Rollans in front of his house in Central McDougall/Tim Querengesser

Scott Rollans in front of his house in Central McDougall/Tim Querengesser

"When the LRT came to our neighbourhood, it was designed for an arena and a mall," says Scott Rollans, a resident of Central McDougall in Edmonton.

In episode eight we ponder how that happened. Just who is LRT for? Is it for things and for people with money? Or is it for people who are on their feet and need transportation options?

Edmonton recently built a $655M LRT called the Metro Line right through Central McDougall. The line famous for all the wrong reasons, the main one being its signals do not work and that's messing up the rest of the city's system. But beyond that, for residents of Central McDougall, it's famous for rolling through without stopping.

The episode references a story by @estolte. Here's the link (edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news…u-of-a-students)

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